Founder & President                                     


Worship Place :
St. Thresa’s Matric Hr. Sec. School, 
Mannurpet, Chennai – 600 080. 
Phone No. 044-26507760, Cell No. 9952978141 
Sunday Service : Sunday 8.30a.m., 
Sunday Evening Bible Study at 6.00.p.m. 

Friday : Healing Meeting, Good shepherd School,
 Railway Station Road, 
Korattur, Chennai-600 080 

Trust & Ministries

Worship Place :

St. Theresa’s Metric Hr. Sec. School,
Mannurpet, Chennai – 600 080.

Worship Time : Sunday 8.30 A.M. 

  School : Sunday 8.00 A.M.

English Service : 7.00 A.M to 8.30 A.M

Sunday Evening : Bible Study at 6.00 P.M

Tuesday : Fasting Prayer 7.00 P.M

Wednesday & Thursday : Counseling & Prayers 

 Friday : Healing Meeting
Good Shepherd School,
Railway Station Road,
Korattur, Chennai -80.

Bible Institute : Tuesday & Thursday
Evening 6.30 p.m.

Bible Collage : Tuesday & Thursday
Evening 6.30 p.m.

Monthly 3rd Saturday : Thirapin Vassal Fasting Prayer @
Maheswari Marriage Mahal, Padi.

Every First Sunday Holy Communion Service
Every Fourth Sunday 11.30 a.m. Villageministry

 About Us

Let the holy name of God be magnified I Pastor. E.Samson Sampath was born in the year 1970 at Sirupuzhalpettai a small remote village near Gumidipoondi.Chennai, Tamil Nadu.India. My Parents Ezhumalai and Maariyammal belonged to an orthodox Hindu community. I was the third among six children. At my very young age I suffer with lot of diseases, Due to my sickness my parents dedicated towards a Hindu goddess.
I was a Hindu devotee in my childhood days. In my youth days time of I used to mock the people who are all came to my village for outreach and village  
evangelism. At one point of my life I started thinking of myself meanwhile there was a great question mark about my future. One day gospel preaching team came to my village; I went to them and asked them whether will your Jesus change my life. They said “YES”.  And also you have to believe and have faith on him, confess all your sins and believe that he died for you. I started putting and practice my faith on Jesus and he washed and made me a new born child.
In college days, I used to distribute tracts, handbills about Jesus to other fellow students. I completed my B.Sc., by the Grace of God. Degree and passed in goods grades. After my graduation the Lord guided me to do His ministry and I have received the call for doing church ministries also. According to Jeremiah 1:5 [before I formed you in the womb I knew approved of you, and before you were born I separated and set you apart, consecrating you; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.] In spite of receiving many good jobs offers from various companies and even from central government (CISF). I refused and decided to serve the Lord as a full time Pastor. After that I came and started the ministry by the God’s plan and named as INDIAN CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY [Trust and Ministries] in the year 2002. Graciously the lord is so faithful in all the ways of ministries and expanding our territories year after year. Grace be with us.

1 comment:

  1. Praise the Lord pastor . Greetings to you in mighty Loving Lord Jesus Christ.
    I would Like to visit your churches for sharing my testimony and ministry .

    shall I visit your churches please ;

    We needed your prayer support contribution donation as for our ministry and children home new residential building .

    Hope to hear from you .

    for more information please call me at . 09556494087
    Thank you.
