
38, San Thome High Road, Mylapore,
Chennai-600 004, India.
Telephone: (91_044) 2498 5455
(91_044) 2498 0758
Fax 91-44-2498 1268

Email :
Mass Timings

Monday to Saturday
05.45 A.M. Adoration, Rosary and Mass in English
11.00 A.M. Mass in Tamil ( Underground Tomb Chapel)
05.30 P.M. Benediction
05.45 P.M. Rosary, Mass in Tamil

06.00 A.M. Mass in Tamil
07.15 A.M. Mass in English
08.15 A.M. Mass in Tamil
09.30 A.M. Mass in English
10.30 A.M. Mass in Malayalam ( Syro Malabar Rite )
12 Noon Mass in English
06.00 P.M. Mass in Tamil

Day of St.Thomas
Third (3rd) of every month is celebrated as Day of St.Thomas. Special Devotion and Mass at 6.00 P.M.

1 comment:

  1. Praise the Lord pastor . Greetings to you in mighty Loving Lord Jesus Christ.
    I would Like to visit your churches for sharing my testimony and ministry .

    shall I visit your churches please ;

    We needed your prayer support contribution donation as for our ministry and children home new residential building .

    Hope to hear from you .

    for more information please call me at . 09556494087
    Thank you.
